Factory Glock 43 9MM – 6 Round Magazine Single Stack


Genuine Factory Glock 6 round magazine for Glock 43 in 9mm Luger.  These will fit your Single Stack pistol build with our 80 percent frame.  We only sell what we trust.  The smooth and reliable feeding from the Glock mags make it easy for us to choose them as part of our complete single stack build kit.  Add the +2 Base Plate here to turn it into an 8 round magazine.

8 in stock

Factory Glock 43 9MM – 6 Round Magazine Single Stack

Manufactured in Austria by Glock.  The Genuine Factory Glock 6 round magazine for the Glock 43 in 9mm.  These will fit your Single Stack pistol build with our 80 percent frame.  We only sell what we trust.  The smooth and reliable feeding from the Glock mags make it easy for us to choose them as part of our complete single stack build kit.  Manufactured in Austria by Glock.

Featuring a round count indicator on the back of the magazine so you’ll know your current round count.  The standard base plate that will allow you to take the magazine apart and clean or release tension on the spring as you see fit.  Glock makes there magazines with very stiff springs, making it possibly difficult to load the magazine to full potential for the first couple cycles.  After it has been cycled a few times it will become easier to load.