10YR DD Magazine Collection – USB


This collection celebrates the 10-year anniversary of Defense Distributed’s release of the Cuomo and Feinstein magazines, the first functional printable magazines. The collection contains both original magazines along with two more modern magazine designs that serve the same role and are the better option to print.

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10YR DD Magazine Collection – USB

Collection contents:

* Original Defense Distributed Cuomo AR-15 Magazine

* Original Defense Distritubed Feinstein AK-47 Magazine

* SmallTeamSupply Cuomo 2023 AR-15 Magazine

– A direct remix of the original Cuomo magazine that implements modern improvements to the design

* FFFTech Waco Waffle Raider AKM Magazine

* The Waco Waffle design does not descend from the Feinstein design but is a separate development line. It is, at time of writing, one of the best AK / AKM magazines available.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz